【同义词辨析】 2019-02-05 抱负ambition-pretension

ambition: applies to the desire for personal advancement or preferment and may suggest equally a praiseworthy OR an inordinate desire: driven by the ~ to be rich.   (preferment提升晋升= promotion,如after ordination, preferment was fast被授予圣职后,晋升很快)

aspiration: implies a striving after something higher than oneself and usually implies that the striver is thereby ennobled or uplifted: an ~ to become President someday.   strive奋斗persistent effort against great difficulty,如continues to strive for a lasting peaceful solution继续为持久和平而奋斗

pretension: suggests ardent desire for recognition of accomplishment without actual possession of the necessary ability or qualifications and therefore implies presumption or folly: people with literary ~s frequenting her salon.   ardent热情投入的=enthusiastic,这里没有翻译     (presumption自以为是too confident,如it would be presumptuous to judge what the outcome will be现在就判断结果有些自以为是

ambition雄心或野心: 指想要进步晋升的愿望,既可指值得称赞的也可指过度的 ,aspiration雄心抱负: 表示为崇高理想而奋斗,使个人提升,pretension自负自命不凡: 表示没有能力资质希望别人认可,显得自以为是愚蠢

记忆方法:1)抱负的意思是想要进步成功强烈愿望mean strong desire for advancement or success.